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Our Christian Values

At Malborough with South Huish Church of England Primary School, we aim to serve our Community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian beliefs and practise.  We work across our federation of schools to share wisdom and knowledge to ensure we deliver excellence to our children, to ensure they can give them the foundations and roots to grow, enabling them to be the best they can be.

Our Christian values are the roots from which we enable our children to flourish in all that they do and to grow and learn together.  Through our vision and values we prepare children to become lifelong learners, enabling them to leave us with "the roots to grow and the wings to fly" to live life in all its fullness:

John 10:10 "I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness"

"All within the love of God" was developed by the children, with the sense that we grow together.  We are an inclusive school, where we grow with a strong sense of 'togetherness'.  Malborough with South Huish Church of England Primary School is a small school with a warm family feel where community links are strong - we all care and support each other through our core values.


Our Christian values were chosen by our whole school family.  Children, parents and carers, Governors and staff  alongside Father Daniel French and our close Church community.  These values are the roots to all our learning and help and support us as we grow together, flourish and prosper.

BELIEF - How can we help others believe in themselves? How can we have belief in ourself?

Hebrew 10:24  "And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds".

As a school we spur each other on with love just as the Hebrews were asked to do.  We have belief in ourselves even when things are tough - we have aspirational targets for one another to enable our roots to grow and for us to fly high in all we do.

FREEDOM - Why is freedom important? What are our human rights?

John 10:10  "I have come that they have life, and have it to the fullest".

We are a fully inclusive school, where all children are free to live life to its fullest,  Freedom of pupil voice is integral to school development and the curriculum, creating a sense of delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge to further strengthen our roots to grow.

COMMUNITY - Who should we treat as our 'neighbour'?

Luke 10: 25-37  "Love your neighbour as you love yourself"

Proverbs 22:6  "Not one family is alike, but still all families can be strong Godly families!  Our family brings us joy and happiness, especially when things are going great".

We have a strong sense of family and community and respect each others individuality and strengths.  We support each other in our learning, strengthening our roots to enable us to grow and flourish together in a supportive community.

LOVE - What does love look like at Malborough with South Huish C of E Primary School? Are we responsible for loving our world? 

Matthew 22:37  "Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  Love your neighbour as yourself"

We care and help each other in all that we do, treating each other with dignity and respect with a great sense of 'togetherness'  'within the love of God'.

RESPECT - What does respect look like?

John 13: 1-34 "You must love each other as I have loved you"

Romans 12:10 "Love one another warmly as Christian brothers and sisters and be eager to show respect for one another".

Everything we do is rooted in mutual respect. We grow together through this mutual respect - encouraging and supporting each other in all that we do - giving us the wings we need to fly high.


